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Mail Lockers (for on site and remote workers)
The EASY POSTAL lockers is a smart mailbox suitable for offices and corporations. The lockers have sensors inside the box and recognize when mail is deposited inside after which they send an email or advise on the app the employee altering that mail is received and to collect it. A list of employees has been added to the internal database easily from the app on the pc administrator who can block or allow both users and lockers. The employee can collect his mail, by opening the locker via a card with RFID sensors, with a phone app or a pin code sent by email. History of lockers operations locker opened and closed, users, time and date of usage are available on the pc of the administrator who can also add/remove employees to the list of users. All systems, both hardware (size, number of lockers) and software (opening system, operations) are fully customizable.
Business enhancement
Parcel lockers
The EASY PACKET locker is suitable for both companies and businesses. It allows the delivery of packages to any courier. The user approaches the locker and places the package in the control compartment the locker sensor will open the locker which can contain the package automatically. Once placed inside the locker, the recipient will be sent SMS or email with instructions to collect the package. The locker works both for free or with a payment system using a c.card or coins. The free version It’s ideal for companies with employees who need to receive packages from the courier who inserts the name on the screen and the locker will inform him. The paid version is ideal for eCommerce products or mall centers to deliver products outside of working hours to clients. The system is fully customizable. All operations are managed, with history and operations records, by the designated admin on the pc.
Luggage storage
The LUGGAGE STORAGE locker is a system designed for the temporary storage of items. It has a touchscreen interface where clients insert their details and choose a locker. Usually, the system has 2 or 3 different sizes from which to choose. Once the locker is chosen, payment is required and the locker will open. The administrator can change prices and settings anytime, see the history of all the operations with date time and locker number, and can also manage long-term rentals by assigning a locker to a specific user.
Supermarkets – groceries
Refrigerated lockers
The SHOPPING PICK-UP locker is a system designed for supermarkets and groceries. It’s made of lockers that have a refrigerator system to keep food in a fridge until it is picked up. It enhances the business with the possibility to receive orders online or by phone. Once an order is received, the shopping is made by an operator who can place the shopping in the refrigerated locker. He inserts the client’s phone and the client will receive the SMS that the shopping is waiting for him. In case of a delay in pickup, a reminder is sent each day. This machine works stand-alone and doesn’t need any integration with the internet network, just a normal connection to the internet with a guest.
Our business
We customize lockers entirely, based on requirements.
We are specialized in electronic automated systems
Mail systems for offices & corporates
Parcel lockers
e-commerce products delivery – 24/7 lockers
Luggage storage & airports
pharmacies – delivery of drugs
swimming pools
amusement parks
What We Can Do For You
After receiving the requirements, we suggest you the optimum system to save time and money to your business. You can increase your operations, saving on personnel managing packages, or increase your sales using lockers on 24/7 operations. We simplify your business.
We will discuss your requirements and decide together the best solution
take the order
Once agreed, we will pass the order to the technical department
During the production of software and hardware, we will be in touch for feedback
The standard delivery time from the order to the delivery at location is 30 days
Get In Touch
Sales/info> +356 77128163